A Pain In The Foot: Caring For Your Feet

  • 3 Common Causes of Bunions

    20 December 2021

    A bunion is a bony lump that forms when the hallux (big toe) pushes against the second toe. As the swelling enlarges, the bunion can be painful and cause balance issues. While heredity is primarily to blame for bunions, other factors also contribute to the development of these painful lumps.  Read on to learn some common causes of bunions.  Genetics If bunions run in your family, you are genetically predisposed to develop bunions.

  • How Can A Podiatrist Help With Collapsed Foot Arches?

    23 June 2021

    Collapsed foot arches are a relatively common foot problem that can occur when the supporting structures along the soles of your feet come under too much strain. This leads to the sole of your foot becoming flat, which can effect your gait and lead to back pain over time due to postural changes. There are a number of reasons that people develop collapsed foot arches, and it's not always possible to pinpoint the reason when someone does develop this foot problem.

  • Understanding How Podiatry Can Benefit Older People

    27 January 2021

    Podiatry is a healthcare profession that deals with foot health and foot hygiene. As you age, the skin on your feet can be more prone to cracking and cuts or scrapes can take longer to heal, which can leave you susceptible to developing a skin infection or abscess. You may also find it difficult to carry out basic foot care yourself, such as trimming your nails and filing away rough skin.